Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Word of the week Wednesday

Hello my "wordy" raviolis. It's word of the week Wednesday and today's word is:


Grandma-ma received a package from Canada yesterday and inside was a pretty box and a card from a blog friend of grandma-ma's.  The card said thank you to grandma-ma for sending her a surprise package from my other blog.  She liked what I sent so much that she wanted to send me some "treasure" too.  Let's see what she sent.

A pretty box that says New York on it and a lovely thank you card.

Inside were so many things.  This truly is a "treasure" box.  Below are some of my favorite things in the "treasure" box. 

 A pair of pretty bird magnets for my refrigerator.

A pretty necklace of a Japanese wood cut print of a fish.

A stack full of gift tags so I can send "treasure" to other people.
Finding "treasure" is a lot of fun.  So let's use the word "treasure" in three sentences today.  Here is grandma-ma's first sentence:
My raviolis are grandma-ma's greatest treasure.  Hugs and kisses to you all. Grandma-ma

1 comment:

Doris Sturm said...

What a lovely treasure of gifts you received in the mail (1.) I treasure my blogging buddies, like you (2.) ...and I try to find little treasures in every day life (3.) I know I'm not your ravioli, but I wanted to play along too ;-)

Have a lovely day!
Doris :-)