Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Grandma-ma is a little sad

Hello my sweet raviolis.  Today grandma-ma is a little sad.  She came to work and when she went to feed Deefo his morning food she found that he had tucked himself next to his favorite snoozing rock and passed away.  He has gone to swim with his fishie friends and now grandma-ma must bury him. 

So Aunt Renee and I will make a run to Walmart and pick up a new fishie for grandma-ma tank at work.  Our pets mean so much to us so when you see your pet, be sure to tell them that you love them and give them a nice pat on the head, a scratch under the chin or ears, a happy whistle or a big mushy kiss.  They give us such joy and protection and love in return that this is the smallest of what we can do for them.  Love you all my raviolis.  Grandma-ma

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