Thursday, April 22, 2010

Who was that masked man?

Okay, who were those masked boys?  Why look, it is the wrestling raviolis wearing Nacho Libre masks.  I understand that mom and Aaron like to wear them too.  Hmmmmmm.

Wearing masks is fun.  Grandma-ma likes to make masks using different materials.  Here is a neat coloring page of a dragon mask. 

To print out a large mask to color, click HERE. 

If you want to color a princess mask, click HERE.

I hope you enjoy coloring these masks.  Oh, on another note, look for the picture of Lavendar and Sunshine, the newest family pets that belong to Caleb and Owen.  They are pretty birds and they look like Aunt Renee's birdies.   
Grandma-ma loves and misses you all.

1 comment:

Doris Sturm said...

When I was a little girl growing up in Germany, the Kellogs Cornflake cartons used to have a face of a clown on them that you could cut out and then wear - I don't know if they had those in America, but I always thought that was fun ;-)