Sunday, February 28, 2010

Magic Wands

Hello my magical raviolis.  I have learned that some of you are reading Harry Potter.  He is a character in one of my favorite book series and the boy who learns he has special gifts and attends a school for wizards. What fun adventures he has with his friends and they can do magic with their special magic wand or wizards stick.  That sounds like so much fun and I began to think about the type of wand they would have. 

This is a picture of Harry Potter's magic wand.  It looks like an old tree.  I like this wand, don't you?

This is Hermione Granger's magic wand.  It has a pretty trailing leaf and vine pattern.

Here is a pretty magic wand with crystals and wire at the bottom.  I like the way it looks, do you?

Here is a pretty wand cast in metal. 

If you carried a magic wand, what would your wand look like?  You can leave a comment to share with everyone.  Have a magical Sunday my ravs.  Hugs and kisses.  Grandma-ma

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Play Date for Grandma-ma

Good morning my Saturday raviolis.  Today is a play date for grandma-ma with Aunt Renee.  We have both been working very hard and grandma-ma is also over her bout with the flu so she is anxious to do a little antiquing, some Easter shopping, a trip to Goodwill for treasures and maybe a quick ride to Trader Joe's for blood oranges.  "Blood Oranges"!!!  What could those be, they don't sound very pretty or appetizing...or do they?

Well, they look like an orange on the outside, but a little smaller and some rinds have a distinct red color to them. 

But when you slice one open, now you can see why they are called a "Blood Orange." 
They are brilliant, deep red on the inside and the juice has a blood red look to it.  Why how wonderful.  Did you know that blood oranges also have a sweet taste with a hint of raspberry to them?  That is why grandma-ma loves to eat blood oranges and they also have a really cool name - blood orange.  They taste like raspberries and oranges - yummy.  And their juice is blood red - also neat!

Blood oranges are the sweetest and most flavorful of the orange fruit family.  And they are grown in the Mediterranean part of the world.  Three raviolis live in that part of the world where they grow and they are the most popular table orange in Italy.  The Tarocco (blood orange) is one of the world's most popular oranges because of its sweetness and juiciness. It has the highest Vitamin C content of any orange variety grown in the world, mainly on account of the fertile soil surrounding Mount Etna, and it is easy to peel.

The juice from a blood orange is also very good and you can smetimes find it in your grocery store.

You may be able to find these at your favorite grocery store as they are NOW in season.  If you have eaten a blood orange, let grandma-ma know with a comment.  Love to you all my ravs.  Grandma-ma 

Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow follies

It's Friday my happy raviolis and lots of places are receiving snow again.  Not here in Atlanta, but it is bitter cold out and feels like it could snow here.  Denver and New York will be getting snow and it may be snowing their right now.  I thought it would be fun to see some happy animals playing in the snow.

This is a sweet, short video of a long haired doxsie puppy (wiener dog) playing in his first snow.

Polar bears and Huskies on the ice in the Alaskan Wilderness.

I hope you enjoy viewing these two videos of animals in the snow. Keep warm my huggable ravs and know that Grandma-ma and Grampy love you. 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Report card day in Denver

Hello my raviolis.  Some of my raviolis go to school and some are still young enough to stay at home with their mom.  This week was report card week for the raviolis living in Denver. When I was a little girl, I was always scared during report card week.

We were handed our report cards in school and had to bring them home and have our parents review and sign them and then return them to the school.  Grandma-ma went to a Catholic school so the parish priest would come into each grade and look at each report card in front of the class and you would walk to the desk where he sat at and wait for him to hand you the report card.  The priest was always very serious and if you did not have a good report card he would ask you why in front of the entire class.  Grandma-ma would shake in her boots until the priest said "Good report card, Dari Ann."  Now, grandma-ma always had a good report card for learning, so she never had to explain why she didn't do her best.  However, grandma-ma always had to explain why she had low marks in "self-control."  Grandma-ma liked to play loud, talk a little too much at times and especially loved to color and draw pictures of the Catholic saints and angels during class instead of listening to the nuns.    I would be shaking and so nervous as I tried to explain to the priest why I preferred to jump on my pogo stick then play dolls with my girlfriends.  He never understood grandma-ma and thought she should play more like a little girl then a loud, little boy. 

So Denver raves had report cards this week and it sounds like good grades for everyone.  One, special Denver rav admitted that he did not do his best even with what may look like good grades.  This was an honest thing to share with those who love him.  As grandma-ma said to him last evening, when you don't do the best you can in something, you short change and let yourself down the most.   Learning and acquiring knowledge may seem like work at times, but you never know what important information you will need to pull out of your "knowledge bag of tricks."  Sometimes, knowing that special little piece of information can be the answer you are looking for to solve a problem.

A favorite TV show of grandma-ma's and Jason and Aaron when they were little was called MacGyver.  He never stopped learning and we all loved what he could do with a stick of chewing gum, an eraser or paper clip.  It was always fun to see how he would solve problems using simple tools around him. 

Here is a secret that grandma-ma will share with you.  Grandma-ma loves to be around people who know interesting things.  She loves to hear about nifty tricks and bits of information and special skills that you may learn about or acquire.  One of the reasons why I like being around people who know interesting things is that they like to share what they know and then grandma-ma can learn all about them too.  I hope you will always want to share the interesting things that you know, my raviolis, with grandma-ma.  I love you all and special report card hugs and kisses for the Denver raviolis.  Love grandma-ma

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Word of the week Wednesday

Good day my Wednesday raviolis.  You guessed it, once again, Word of the Week Wednesday rolls around and today's word is:


 A globe is a three-dimensional scale model of Earth (terrestrial globe) or other sphere (round) celestial body such as a planet, star, or a moon.  The word "globe" comes from the Latin word globus, meaning round mass or sphere.  Grandma-ma really likes the word "globe" because it brings so many neat images to her mind.  Here are a few:

A desk globe of the earth.
The moon is also round or spherical and here is an example of a moon globe.

Antique map of the earth globe.  Grandma-ma likes to look at old maps.  I think they are interesting to see how our land has changed over the centuries.  They are like finding hidden treasure...just like a treasure map. You can locate rivers and lakes, trails and highways, cities and vast empty spaces. 

I also like this globe made from two hands held together.  I think this is a nice description of our world.  If we hold hands and work together, we can keep our globe happy and healthy.  There is something unique about this hand globe.  You must look very closely to see what it is.  Here is a hint, can you create this globe with "your" two hands?  If you know the secret, please leave comment and tell grandma-ma what you think it is.

So, remember to use the word "globe" in three sentences today.  Grandma-ma's first sentence is:  "I would travel the globe to visit each of my raviolis just so I could play with them." 

Have a wonderful day my rows and global hugs and kisses to you.  Grandma-ma

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Animals having fun

Hello my raviolis.  Grandma-ma was looking at Victorian postcards to use in her store and found these funny pictures of animals having fun just like you and me.  Look at these sweet puppies throwing snowballs at their puppy friend.  He did not see them hiding behind the fence and got beaned on the head with a snowball.

I wonder if these sweet kitties play well or if they just sound like "caterwauling."

This big, brown bear needs a morning dip in the water.  I like his saucy red and white swim trunks.

Here is a whole group of happy pigs playing all kinds of lawn games.  They are jumping rope, flying a kite, playing badminton and stick and circle.  It looks like fun doesn't it?

Grandma-ma loves animals and the funny things they do.  Of course, real animals don't throw snow balls, or play musical instruments or lawn cames or even wear swimming trunks...but it is fun to see them live like us.  Love Grandma-ma

Monday, February 22, 2010

Good News my raviolis!

Hello my raviolis.  Grandma-ma just came from the doctor and the doctor said:

NO SWINE FLU!!!!  yea, queue the happy, squealing piggies.

Well, it also helped that grandma-ma spoke with Cristi (mother of the raviolis living in Denver) who also happens to be nurse, and explained that it was most likely a varient strain of flu that masks as H1N1.  Cristi was's so nice to have a smart nurse in the family. 

So grandma-ma is still at home recuperating and resting and will do so tomorrow too.  Love to all of you my healthy raviolis and stay that way too.  Squealing piggy hugs and kisses to you.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Where is grandma-ma?

Hello my Sunday Raviolis.  Where is grandma-ma? Her last post was on Thursday when she wasn't feeling very well.  Seems like Grandma-ma caught the H1N1 or swine flu and has been home sick for the last two days.

Fever, chills, headaches, coughing, difficulty breathing...all of those nasty flu symptons.  Poor Grampy is very worried about Grandma-ma.  So grandma-ma is going back to bed to rest and hopefully will feel better tomorrow when I can send you a happy posting.  Love you all my ravs and stay healthy. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sluggish Thursday

Hello my raviolis.  Grandma-ma is moving a little sluggish tody.   She went to work not feeling very well and after two hours she came home because she was feeling like a sick puppy. 
 Straight to bed for grandma-ma and lots of rest. 

Love to all my raviolis and I will have a happier post tomorrow.  Love grandma-ma

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Word of the Week Wedneday

Hello my raviolis.  Yes, it is Word of the Week Wednesday again.  Can you guess what today's word is? Here is a hint:  It is a word that you see every seven days on raviolis for lunch.  That word is:


Wednesday is the day in the middle of the work week and is named for the Norse God, Odin.  Pronounced "Wodenz" in middle English it became known as Wodenz Day which then became Wednesday.  Below is a picture of Odin, the Norse God.

Did you know that Jason and Aaron were born on a Wednesday?  Yes, both of my sons were born on a Wednesday.  You can check your birth day by going to this link:

Leave a comment and tell us if you were born on a Wednesday too.

  Did you know that only one holiday typically recurs yearly on a Wednesday?  That day is  Ash Wednesday and is the official beginning of lent. TODAY IS ALSO ASH WEDNESDAY.   It is called "Ash" Wednesday, since the 400's, and is the day when the faithful of many Western Christian churches mark their foreheads with ash. This is done to mark the beginning of Lent which ends with  Easter Sunday.  When grandma-ma was a little girl, she would receive ashes on her forehead from the priest at St. Josephs Church in Lincoln Park, New Jersey.

This is a picture of a little boy who just received his ashes at his church.  So my raviolis, be sure to use the word Wednesday in three sentences today.  Here is grandma-ma's first sentence:  "Uncle Aaron will celebrate  his birthday on Wednesday, February 24th."

Love to you all my Wednesday raviolis. Grandma-ma

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday

Hello my Mardi Gras raviolis.  Today is Fat Tuesday and what is Fat Tuesday you ask?  Well, Fat Tuesday is Mardi Gras or the festival that New Orleans, Louisiana, is famous for. "Gras" is French for fat and "Mardi" is French for Tuesday.

It is a day when people eat all they want of everything and anything they want as the following day is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of a long fasting period for Christians. In addition to fasting, christians also give up something special that they enjoy. So, Fat Tuesday is a celebration and the opportunity to enjoy that favorite food or snack that you give up for the long lenten season.

A special cake called a "King Cake" is prepared and a tiny baby doll is baked inside.  The cake is very colorful with green, yellow and purple icing and glitter.

Here is a picture of the tiny baby in the dough just before it is baked in the oven.

If you find the baby in the King Cake then you are crowned King of the Mardi Gras parade...unless you are a girl and then you will be Queen of the Mardi Gras parade.  You can make King Cake cupcakes and put a baby inside them or on top.

All of the Mardi Gras babies are waving at you.

The Mardi Gras parade is a huge parade with lots of color and noise.  It looks like a grand parade, doesn't it?  Have a wonderful Fat Tuesday my ravs and know that Grandma-ma loves you all.  Fat Tuesday hugs and Mardi Gras kisses.

Monday, February 15, 2010

What we did today

Hello my raviolis. Today, Grandma Lynn and Aunt Karen spend their last day with Aunt Renee and Grandma-ma and we did lots of things.  We went to the movies and saw Crazy Heart.
It is a wonderful story and the soundtrack is terrific. 

After the movie, we walked around the Discover Mills mall and Grandma Lynn found a few lady Eddie Bauer shirts in pretty spring colors.  We then had supper at The Cracker Barrel. 

Aunt Karen loves eating at the Cracker Barrel and she and Grandma Lynn ordered blue berry pancakes.  After supper, we then drove to Hobby Lobby so grandma-ma could purchase some pretty ribbon.

Grandma-ma used the ribbon on some antique pieces that Grandma Lynn brought down.
Grandma-ma and Grampy and Aunt Renee had such a fun time with Grandma Lynn and Aunt Karen.  We are so glad they game to visit.  Love to all of you my raviolis. 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Hello my valentines day raviolis.  Today is Valentine's Day and grampy and I wish you a kissable, huggable, hope you have a heart filled and fun day.

Here is a picture of grandma-ma's Valentines Day table.

On the tablel are the lovely tulips from the Italian raviolis, a pretty tea light from Aunt Karen, a mermaid glass from Grandma Lynn (grandma-ma loves mermaids), a heart box of candy for Grampy and a package of peanut butter cups from Grampy for all the ladies in the house today.  Because everyone loves peanut butter cups.  Grampy is a very clever man.

So my loves, have a wonderful day and wishing you all a sweet Valentines Day.  Love Grandma-ma

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow for Family

Good morning my saturday raviolis.  Today Grampy and Grandma-ma have family from New York visiting.  Grandma and Aunt Karen (twisted sisters) have come from cold New York to enjoy springtime in the south.  Well instead, Grandma and Aunt Karen spent almost 10 hours getting here because they had to fly through our southern snow storm.  Here are some pictures of Grandma-ma's and Grampy's house taken this morning as Grandma and Grandma-ma drove to get breakfast bagels.

Subdivision road where grandma-ma and grampy live.

Across the street from our house.  How pretty everything is, but not very southern weather.  It is cold and grandma-ma only wears flip flops.

The bushes near our garage. 

The tree below our back deck.

Aunt Karen and Grandma finally get home to the Brown house and the snow is still falling.  This is a picture of the hanging tree branch full of snow in front of the street light.  Grandma-ma thinks it is a pretty picture but would prefer palm trees in front of the street light.

Breakfast at Grampy's.  Fresh bagels from the place up the street with lots of good schmears, fresh hot coffee and good family and conversation.   I wish you were all here my raviolis, you could play in the snow.  Love to all and keep warm.  Look for more family adventures tomorrow. Love Grandma-ma

Friday, February 12, 2010

Surprise for Grandma-ma

Hello my raviolis.  When grandma-ma got home from work yesterday, there was a surprise waiting for her. It was a long green and puce box with green and white writing on it.  It said, Pro Flowers.   Grandma-ma could not wait to open the box. She tossed her coat on the sofa, dropped her purse on the floor and left her laptop bag in the hallway...she had to get to that box.

Inside was a pretty vase and beautiful tulips.  Grandma-ma loves tulips and these were pink and white and red. 

At the bottom of the box was another surprise...a small box of chocolates - all for Valentines Day.  What a wonderful surprise, but who could have sent this to grandma-ma?  Could it be from Grampy?  NOOOO. Grampy always sends flowers to my office for Valentines Day.  Who could it be, who could it be?  So grandma-ma read the card enclosed and these beautiful tulips and tasty chocolates were from Italian raviolis.  Yes, from my four-cheese rav, my sweet sausage rav and my spinach pesto rav and their mommy and daddy. Thank you thank you thank you for thinking of grandma-ma on Valentines day.  They are beautiful, just like all of you.  Grandma-ma

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Grandma-ma is in school today

Hello my Friday Raviolis.  Today, Grandma-ma is in school. She is taking a one day class in Adobe Acrobat 9 so she can be better at her job. 

I know that most of my raviolis are in school during the week and I hope you are enjoying your classes.  Grandma-ma always likes to go to class when she can because she will learn interesting things.  Children are not the only ones who go to school and enjoy their classes.  Do you know that Aaron and Cristi and Maura and Brian go to school too? 

I like learning new things and I hope you do to.  Have a wonderful learning day my raviolis.  Grandma-ma loves you all.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Word of the Week Wednesday

Hello my Wednesday raviolis.  Today's Word of the Week Wednesday is given to us by Aunt Renee!  This is a great word that Aunt Renee has a special affection for.  The word is:

and what a wonderfully squishy, three-syllable word it is.

Everyone loves marshmallows.  They are light and airy, they can be molded into different shapes, cooked, melted, baked and eaten!!!

You can toast them,

you can makes smores with them,

and you can find them in peep shapes!

Did you know that Aunt Renee and both Jason and Aaron have a favorite dessert treat?  That treat is a Mallomar.

Grandma-ma does not care for them because they are too sweet.  But Aunt Renee and Aaron and Jason like to stick them in the freezer and eat them on hot days.  They also like to freeze marshmallow peeps and eat them.

Do you recognize this famous fellow?  This is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.  He was a star in the movie, Ghostbusters.

There is also a wonderful story book about Marshmallow, the bunny.  What a sweet face Marshmallow has. 

So, now my raviolis, be sure to use the word marshmallow in three sentences today.  Here is grandma-ma's first sentence:  I want to squeeze you like a squishy marshmallow with hugs and kisses.  Love to you all.  Grandma-ma

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Winter sky

Hello my Tuesday raviolis.  We have been having lots of winter weather February this year.  Snow all over the North Atlantic and the midwest and Plains states.   Today, I looked out my window at work and the sky was grayish white.  Our weatherman has called for snow, yes a little snow in Atlanta.  I took a few pictures of the trees against the sky from my work window.  I work on the 2nd floor so I was able to get good pictures of the tree tops. (click on the photo and it will enlarge)

I like the way the black trunk, limbs and branches look against the light sky.

This tree top has tiny little seed clusters on the branches. 

Have a wonderful Tuesday my raviolis.  Love Grandma-ma