Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday chores

Good morning my raviolis.  It is Saturday and I have a list of Saturday "chores" to do today. 

1.  Make Grampy a nice breakfast of maple smoked bacon, eggs and biscuits.  Hot coffee too.

2.  Clean the guest room and bathroom because Grampy and I have guests coming.

3.  Meet Aunt Renee for a little running around shopping and lunch.

4.  Load Turbo Tax and begin preparations for our taxes.

5.  Watch a movie with Grampy.
You can see I have a busy Saturday.  What will you do today?  Please leave a comment and tell me what you will do today.  Love Grandma-ma

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi grandma-ma,

we did lots today. we make monkey pancakes, watched 2 movies, did some crafts and make cookies. sounds like u did a lot to. love you bunch xoxoxoxxo your 4 cheese rav
connor and kelsey- slept, ate, rolled around and had fun being babies. miss u lots can't wait to see u soon .